Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Credit Union

The Trefechan Communities Team are working with the credit union to establish a weekly collection point. We will keep you updated on developments.

Funding Advice

Are you looking for funding for your community group?

The Council will be holding a funding fair on Wednesday 11th June 2008 from 10.00am to 3.00pm at the Hills Plymouth Cricket Club in Merthyr Tydfil. There will be advisors from a range of funding organisations available to help you.

The Coalfields Regeneration Trust is also holding a funding advice Surgery on Tuesday 17th June 2008 at the Voluntary Action Centre in Merthyr Tydfil. To book a one to one session with the funder please contact either Samanthan Turner or Carol Evans on 01685 353933 or 01685 353984.

If you would like further assistance on developing your group e.g funding advice, marketing advice, training advice etc please contact Sally Mcintyre Communities First Development Officer at our office.

Benefit Entitlements for the over 60s

Are you aged 60+?

Do you need help and advice on benefit entitlements and claim form completion?

If so please contact Local Pension Service on 01675 306614 to book or home visit. Alternatively, please come along to our office and we can complete a referal for you and arrange a visit.

Merthyr Tydfil Welsh language Initative and Centre - Canolfan a Menter Gymraeg Merthyr Tydfil

Canolfan a Menter Gymraeg Merthyr Tudful Welsh Centre's Coffee Morning - Every Monday Morning there's the chance to meet other Welsh Learners/speaker over coffee, games and activities. Warm welcome to learners of all levels.

Canolfan a Menter Gymraeg Merthyr Tudful Bore Coffi'r Canolfan - Pob bore dydd Llun mae yna cyfle i gwrdd a siardwyr a ddsgwur Cymraeg eraill dros paned, gweithgareddau a gemau croeso i ddysgwyr o bob safon

Time Monday / Dydd Llun 11.30 to 12.00

Where / Ble ?

The Welsh Centre Pontmorlai, Merthyr Tydfil
Y Ganolfan Gymraeg, Pontmorlais, Merthyr Tydfil

ASDAN training - Are you aged 16 or 17?

Are you aged 16 or 17 years old?
Have you just left school or dont know what do to in the future?
Want to earn £50 a week while learning new skills?
We will be running an ASDAN Course in the next few months in Trefechan, for young people aged 16 to 17 years old. If you are interested please contact us for more information.

Advice Surgeries - Coming Soon !

We will be holding drop in advice surgeries over the next few weeks for local residents in the Trefechan Community Centre

Friday June 13th 12.30pm to 1.30pm - Ageing Well Advisor - Advice for the over 50s on Security, health and well being, Benefits, Grants etc.

Friday June 27th 12pm to 1pm - RNID - For advice for people with hearing difficulties and for interested families and careers. They will be providing advice and demonstrating equipment which is available to help.

JobsMatch - Date to be confirmed - For advice for residents looking for work or looking for training to help them get back into employment

PrimeCymru - Date to be confirmed - For advice for the over 50s who are looking to set up their own business or social enterprise as well as general employment advice

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Trefechan Young People Get Arty!

Young People Get Art Smart!

Thanks to funding from the Princes Trust, our young people have been busy producing art work to go in their new youth club facilities. The Day was a great success!